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What would be the smallest paradise? Maulana Tariq Jameel New statement Bayan 2022


The smallest paradise will be ten times bigger than this world and its paradise will soon be in hell

He will go, first he will be punished for his great sin, then he will come out and when heaven will come for him

The door will open, then you. Will give strength in front of him, bowed down to stop whatever you are doing

Gee, if it's an angel, I called out, as if money is fresh from our feet, then we raise our hands
Horses from there, then he will say no, I am your servant, I am your servant,

I am and there are thousands like me, if your father goes ahead then you are 70,000 servants
Will be presented with a guard of honor in which he will stand. The line will take us further
Come, Syedna Andaz Raghu, our father, you came, we did not wait and went to dry, if you

Give thanks, then I will come, I will eat big, thanks be to the day that has everything,
He will indicate that something is yours, then he will bring it in front of him, someone will have a glass in his hand.

We will put it in our hands, we will have to eat in one, it will start with difficulty, more less food separately
Yes, each glass will be different and will be 70,140,000 to 140,000 and the glass will be mixed
Everyone will eat, drink and own. 

The stomach will not burst or swell, the shame of hardships will not end,The shame of hardships will be greater than before, prevent a good father from visiting his wife

I will give them that they will be completely spoiled, if the veil is lifted from the front then the wave would come in the girl of heaven His name is by the way, this is a claim. There is a stop in pearls.

I flow, it is better for those who want to create some form of revenge, otherwise it will not be, heaven
Greed made no difference to the mother's womb, on three feeders on these two wheels, here Indian
It is not that Allah Tala Katha gets bloody then the whole young girl stands outside and solves her
The pair wears Allah and has 130 feet constipation that you told me yesterday that I did

Adam (pbuh) was told that when it is 130 feet now it wears and when it wears
Until it was over, as time went on, the man in charge gave Shaw a dead horse.

After standing and massaging that Din Rashid Jamal returned to the country for a while, flames
The owner went to his house and fell asleep, the horse thief opened the garden and took it away, also killed or used the house and

From there they caught rabbits and brought them. Put it on Raksha Bandhan. 

Let's start massaging That Kalakand is not responsible for this horse in a while, please only then
Be that your horse is not a rabbit, Gharat and these but the real girls of heaven, you every
130 Men and women dressed in these clothes went for a walk in a circle of three miles, I wonder how the saree will be lifted, the waist will be broken in the same way.

China is within a circle of miles, so such a big fair will be surrounded by couples, of heaven
No one weighs the clothes, as if we go to the neighborhood then we lose weight and attractive
Because of gravity and wind, we now go up in the air, when we become food,
So we have pulled. 

The weight of the garments of heaven, no rosary and no screaming,
It doesn't need to be bought, it doesn't have to besuppressed
Your name is Baba, there are flowers on it, fruit, it will win you, I will change your clothes, then your black The sign will be, it will be.

Get light like this. Now you are going to take off your dress

You will get tired and then next year you will be 200 so I am the only one left, so what will happen,
What will happen, Allah be Akbar, now change your friend's clothes, your design will come to mind, mind
I will come up with designs like these are not cameras, they are mobile cameras, WhatsApp on Facebook

Will come, then such planets will come and then what will happen, now your next pair will disappear and
You're wearing a new pair because there's no laundry in the whole of heaven, no toilet No, no bathroom, no two in the whole paradise, so how hard these girls have to work Falls?

Be patient for the perfect make-up, they will know if it is make-up Tick ​​tock I have 1 second and another fun thing when it's not

It will be written, go have fun and eat, then he will say man, we are not spitting. you
Don't want to see


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