(Arabic) As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu ( Eng: Peace be unto you)
…..I am blessed with the opportunity to speak with my respected brothers and sisters and the entire ummat.
Concerning the calamity that took place in New Zealand a few days ago,
in which a savage and insane man massacred 50 muslims in two mosques.
I would like to say a few words.
Allah has given us the true and correct way of life,
Arabic : SubhanAllah - Eng: God is perfect
in which there is absolutely no scope for rewarding oppression with oppression
You would be surprised to know that in the annals of history, , since the dawn of conflict, our beloved Nabi is the first person to formulate regulations for war.
“Look, you are going to battle, but you are not to kill the elderly,women,priests,children,
and those who are the pops of Christ's and children.
You are not allowed to destroy trees or burn crops, nor are you allowed to take up arms against those who have laid down theirs.
You should immediately accept those who surrender or offer treaties of peace.”
If he taught us such beautiful principles for war, then what beautiful principles for the rest of life must he have shown us?
The ummat has responded to this heinous act.
Firstly, we do not reward oppression with oppression,nor do we have permission from Allah or his Rasool to do so.
Those who have been martyred,
they have now gone to paradise by the will of Allah,and will enjoy its eternal success and have been blessed to be the recipients of Allah’s pleasure.
. To be martyred in namaaz(salaah),in the masjid,on Jumuah(Friday), how many virtues and accolades have been afforded to them. Also they were murdered in a horrible way.
Considering all of these things, I have hope in the mercy of Allah hat he will admit them to the highest stages of Paradise.
Along with this, we also have to ask Allah to guide the man who committed these horrendous acts,
as well as all the people of the world who do not know about Islam. We have to make dua for them that Allah gives them the guidance to follow the correct and true faith.
Our prophet Muhammad S.A.W conquered Makkah.
For 21 years, the people of Makkah had exhausted all their strength in trying to kill him.
How many difficulties did he have to bear from them?
When he conquered Makkah, everyone thought that he will execute us, we will be beheaded, and we will be crucified.
May I be sacrificed for his beautiful character (How beautiful was his character). He said “How should I treat you all?”
They were all gathered in the Haram.
Suhail bin Amr (RA), who had not till then accepted Islam replied
Suhail bin Amr (RA) said “You are a person of lofty, noble character and you are the son of those who possessed lofty and noble character. We hope that you will forgive us.”
The Prophet of Allah replied
SubhanAllah (Allah is perfact)
The Prophet of Allah replied “Today I will say to you just as my brother Yusuf had said to his brothers after undergoing hardship for 40 years.
Go, you are forgiven, you are guilty of nothing. You are all free, I have forgiven you all.”
The Arabic word “Laa Tathreeb” means that you are not guilty of anything. “Go on, live freely.”
In 21 years, how many miracles would they have seen?
They saw the moon split in two pieces, water gushing from the his blessed fingers
his spitting in a well which resulted in its water rising,
small pebbles reciting the praise of Allah in his hands.
He cooked the leg of a sheep which fed 40 men.
Miracles after miracles, yet they did not accept Islam.
They heard the neighing of the horse of Angel Jibraeel in the battle of Badr
but they did not recite the kalimah.
On that faithful day, in the 8th year after Hijrah, when he announced that I have forgiven all of you, they all accepted Islam.
I humbly plead to the entire Muslim Ummat, that we pray for their guidance and that we do not even think of committing acts of Ignorance, such as attacking a church.
This is not the way of my Nabi. There is no permission for this in Allah’s Qur’an.
He has not permitted us to do such things. We have to forgive, and to leave it up to Allah.
When the Abbasid Caliphate had grown weak, Christians attacked the city of Jerusalem and gained control.
The leader of the Christians at that time had taken an oath that until Muslim blood reaches the neck of my horse, the slaughter will continue.
Men, women and children were slaughtered, massacred.
Blood flowed in the streets like water.
So terrible it was that a Christian Priest pleaded with the leader to stop the bloodshed, let them be.
He replied that until my oath is fulfilled, I will not stop. A bucket of blood was brought and thrown at the horse which covered its chest.
Only then he ended the horrendous massacre. By then, hundreds of thousands of people were killed.
May Allah illuminate the grave of Salahuddin Ayyubi.
When he conquered Jerusalem he announced that everyone was forgiven.
Whoever wants to stay here can do so freely, and whoever would like to leave, , and then take whatever you can with you.
Those who want to leave should leave a certain amount as payment in lieu of what they take with them.
Those who could afford to pay this fine did so while those who
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